Frankly Speaking
Before evolving into a marketing executive, R F Timberlake & Company's president began his award-winning media career as a broadcast and print journalist helping the news industry to gravitate towards more in-depth and investigative reporting. Frank Timberlake taught broadcast and advertising, managed numerous political campaigns and operated media outlets with Linda, his wife and business partner. He has never been shy about speaking his mind. Having limited Frank to the subject of marketing, we hope you will enjoy Frankly Speaking, a marcom blog.
Notes & Quotes archive
Feb 11, 2015 We recently returned from a week-long trip in which we held 30 media meetings for our client. That's a lot you say; you'd better believe it. But our company believes in that personal commitment and well-developed relationships. While the rest of the world walks with electro-twiddling thumbs and their heads down, we still believe in personal business relationships.
Nov 1, 2012"On the average, five times as many people read the headline as read the body copy. When you have written your headline, you have spent eighty cents out of your dollar."
Aug 20, 2012
"Even with analytics, online and social media only can tell about the impressions which is much too vague, and click-thrus which doesn't tell everything we want to know, so people and clients ask us how do you find out. The answer is the same as the big boys do...test market. We're buying a couple of Google flights or as they phrase it, campaigns. We will monitor, observe and tally the results. If you can't track it, don't buy it!"
Aug 19, 2012
"THINK! About this one. If a book about failures doesn't sell, is it a success?
Hoping your day is a success."