Who We Are
Our plans are built on your goals, not ours. Our focus is based on what’s right for our clients. We perform all marketing communications strategies and tasks in advertising, marketing and public relations for many clients. For some clients we work on projects. Providing advice or counseling to internal marketing teams fills a need for clients who prefer consulting to a traditional agency relationship.
Full Service, Project or Consulting. A novel, simple way to approach our business is to fulfill the needs of your business. We strive to make heroes of our business-to-business and consumer clients. Our goal oriented and talented team has consistently met goals, budgets and deadlines with rarely matched performance using a balance of tradition blended with forward and productive thinking, with flexibility guarded by dedication.
Find out how easy a successful marcom relationship can be. Try us. You’ll find we listen and we keep it simple. We’re R F Timberlake & Company, marketing communications consultants.